Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I did during October

Day 63

Well, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? I've been extremely busy, so I had no time for blogging during all of last month. I don't have much to say, to be quite honest. I'm now into my second bottle of Wonderup, and I still haven't grown. The only change that I can say is happening is that my breasts now get much larger when I'm PMSing than they did before I started doing NBE. During those awesome 4-5 days before I get my period, my breasts really feel heavier and fuller; they fill out my bras much better and I can push them together with way more ease than I can when I'm not PMSing. But sadly, the growth all goes down usually around the second day of my cycle.

Luckily, I've continued to keep track of my activity everyday on my Twitter. This was my activity during October:

October 1st: Took all pills, massaged once. Got my period.
October 2nd: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 3rd: Took all pills, massaged twice.
October 4th: Took all pills, massaged once. Began using a heating pad.
October 5th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 6th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 7th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 8th: Took first two doses of pills, no massage.
October 9th: Did nothing.
October 10th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 11th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 12th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 13th: Took all pills, massaged once, no heating pad.
October 14th: Took first two doses of pills, didn’t massage.
October 15th: Took first two doses of pills, didn’t massage.
October 16th: Did nothing.
October 17th: Took first dose of pills, didn’t massage.
October 18th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 19th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 20th: Unknown.
October 21st: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 22nd: Did nothing.
October 23rd: Did nothing.
October 24th: Did nothing.
October 25th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 26th: Did nothing.
October 27th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 28th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 29th: Did nothing.
October 30th: Took all pills, didn’t massage. Got my period.
October 31st: Took all pills, massaged once, no heating pad.

As you can see, there were quite a few days when I didn't do anything, and there were even more days during which I didn't massage even if I'd taken my pills. The problem with the Wonderup massage cream is that it's very thick, so I can only massage with it for about a minute until it starts to clump and rub off my chest, which is obviously not what I'm going for. The cream is also very uncomfortable to get out of the bottle now. The bottom half of the bottle still has quite a bit of cream left, but I have to squeeze the container to try to push whatever I can to the top. It looks like this:

Those people at Wonderup should definitely think of redesigning that bottle of theirs, maybe by putting a straw and a nozzle to help with getting the lotion on the bottom of the bottle out.

One thing that could possibly be harming my routine right now is my daily intake of caffeine. Caffeine is supposedly detrimental to NBE. I don't drink so much of it to qualify as an addict, but I do like to have at least one energy drink everyday, and these types of sodas contain a lot more caffeine than coffee or Cokes. I'll try to give these drinks up, but I don't know how well it's going to work out.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just Updating

Day 24

I'm a full-time student in college, so September's been very busy for me, as it's my first month back in school.

This entry is just an update, so that I don't fall too far behind. I've kept daily notes of my NBE activity on Twitter, so I know everything I've done. I'm getting close to completing my first month of being on this new routine, and my first bottle of Wonderup is more than halfway finished:

I can't say that I've experienced any growth yet, but it's probably too early to be seeing any real changes yet. My breasts are feeling a little fuller since this morning, and it's most likely PMS; I got my last period on September 2nd, so I should be getting it like a week or so from now.

Anyway, so far, this is what my activity's been:

September 2nd: I took the pills three times, used cream twice. Got my period.
September 3rd: Took the pills twice, used cream once.
September 4th: Took the pills three times, used cream once.
September 5th: Took pills three times, used cream twice.
September 6th: Took pills three times, used cream twice.
September 7th: Took pills three times, used cream twice.
September 8th: Took pills twice, used cream once.
September 9th: Took pills three times, used cream once.
September 10th: Took pills three times, used cream twice.
September 11th: Took pills three times, massaged once.
September 12th: Took pills three times, massaged twice.
September 13th: Took pills three times, massaged once.
September 14th: Added fenugreek, saw palmetto, and evening primrose oil to routine. Took all pills, massaged once.
September 15th: Took all pills, massaged once.
September 16th: Did nothing.
September 17th: Took all pills, massaged once.
September 18th: Took all pills, massaged once.
September 19th: Took all pills, massaged twice.
September 20th: Did nothing.
September 21st: Took all pills, didn't massage.
September 22nd: Took first two doses of pills, massaged once.
September 23rd: Took all pills, massaged twice.
September 24th: Took all pills, massaged twice.
September 25th: Took all pills, didn't massage.

I'm obviously not going to keep on doing that every time I update this blog, because the list would get ridiculously long. I'm glad to see that I've only skipped two days. For me, that's really good, because I forget things easily. It looks like I've only missed three other doses, and on most days I tend to use the Wonderup cream once. I'll try to improve that.

I added the fenugreek, saw palmetto, and evening primrose oil on the 13th day of my routine, so basically after two weeks. The daily amounts I'm taking of those herbs are: 3000mg of herbs from the Wonderup, 1170mg of saw palmetto, 1220mg of fenugreek, and 1300mg of EPO.

That's all for now.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 10

There really isn't much to report. The only somewhat important thing I've got to say is that I don't think my breasts have gone down to their normal size after my period finished this month. I think they went down a little bit, but they're still slightly bigger than I'm used to.

Oh yeah, fun fact: The day I started my Wonderup routine was also the day I got my period. I didn't do this on purpose. I started to take the Wonderup in the morning and got my period in the evening. I thought I still had a few days left before getting it, but I was wrong. I've noticed that lately my period has been arriving a few days earlier each month. Is it important that I started my routine on Day One of my cycle? I don't know.

Anyway, here's the timeline for how I've kept up with my routine so far.

September 2nd: I took the pills three times, used cream twice.
September 3rd: Took the pills twice, used cream once.
September 4th: Took the pills three times, used cream once.
September 5th: Took pills three times, used cream twice.
September 6th: Took pills three times, used cream twice.
September 7th: Took pills three times, used cream twice.
September 8th: Took pills twice, used cream once.
September 9th: Took pills three times, used cream once.
September 10th: Took pills three times, used cream twice.

So I've done the routine perfectly for five out of the ten days (counting today) I've been on it. Today is going to be a "took pills three times, used cream once" day. Sometimes I wake up early in the morning and I have a million other things on my mind, so I forget to massage. I'll usually realize I forgot to apply the cream when I've left my apartment (I no longer live with my parents) and am on my way somewhere. Since I carry my bottle of pills around me in my purse, it's easy to fix the problem of forgetting to take them at home, because I can just get myself a water bottle or some other drink and take them.

It's a pretty easy routine to follow so far. I'm hoping to be more disciplined with it from now on, though. I'd like to lengthen my masages in particular. Right now they're pretty short, less than two minutes. The problem is that the Wonderup cream dries pretty quickly because it's kind of heavy, so after a while, it just feels like you're massaging with practically nothing.

I still have not gotten any of the extra supplies I ordered from GNC, by the way.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Day 3

So I've decided to restart my whole day counter, because my routine is completely new and any growth I may gain from here on out will have to do with what I'm doing now.

So anyway, today I'll just be writing about how the product is. I bought three bottles of the Wonderup pills and one container of their cream. I have to say that their packaging was very discreet. None of their bottles say that the stuff is for breast enlargement, however the pill bottles have a picture of a breast on them, which to me is pretty obvious. Their bottle of cream has a picture of a flower on the front and although it doesn't say "breast enlargement," it does say "firming" cream.

I was very concerned with getting the labels off of the bottles, because if someone were to stumble upon these things (even though I plan to keep them hidden), I didn't want said persons to have the ability to google "Wonderup" and discover what exactly all this stuff is. Getting these labels off the bottles was A NIGHTMARE. The labels were EXTREMELY sticky stickers, and they did not come off easily at all. I had to run the bottles under water and scrape off the labels with a knife. And even after that, they've still got glue on the outside, so they're still sticky.

Right now, this is what they look like:

The pills look like this:The pills smell pretty bad, but they go down easily enough. The instructions say to take a pair three times a day. They recommend you use the cream twice a day. The best part about my routine change is the fact that the cream smells pleasant, which is an AWESOME change from the horrible odor I had to deal with when I was constructing my own routine.

Yesterday I decided to order fenugreek, saw palmetto, and evening primrose oil from GNC. Even though Wonderup has one of the best reputations from all the breast enlargement products out there, I'm hoping that by adding some extra herbs it'll help me grow a little quicker.

Oh, and for anyone wondering why I chose Wonderup of all brands, it's because, as I just mentioned, it seems to be one of the most trustworthy and successful brands out there. Several women on the NBE forums I visit have used it and most have had at least SOME growth to report. I was particularly inspired by a girl named Amber. She has very similar stats to mine, and her growth is pretty remarkable. I only hope I can have the same luck.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Routine Change

Day 80

It's been a while, hasn't it? I've taken advantage of Twitter's easy and quick way to make updates and have ended up slacking off from writing this blog.

I'm not sure whether or not I should really label today "Day 80" of my routine, because I haven't really done anything since the last time I posted here. The only thing I've done is take a tea here and there, but I haven't massaged or taken any pills. I ran out and haven't had the chance to buy more. I've been very busy for the past few weeks. I took a vacation for a while, which made NBE an impossibility during those days.

Anyway I've decided to start a new routine, which is the Wonderup program. Several women on the forums have tried this product and it seems legitimate. Today I ordered three bottles of pills (a three month supply) and one bottle of their cream, which should last around two months.

There's something comforting about a premade routine. Maybe it's because I feel less like I'm trying my luck with choosing my own herbs. It seems a lot of the women on the forums even try to model their routines after Wonderup. And I'm hoping that their cream will smell more pleasant than the junk I was rubbing on myself.

I think I'm still going to add some of the extracts I've got left to the cream, though. And I might still take fenugreek pills. I don't think I'm going to be continuing the teas. I'm just not a tea drinker.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 45

Okay so today is either the 3rd or 4th day in a row that I go without doing anything for my routine. I've just gotten lazy, to be honest. Right now I'm making myself an herbal tea in an attempt to not make today completely useless.

I've also started slacking on blogging, so my memory is starting to get foggy on how many times I've massaged ever since my last entry. I honestly haven't done it that much, so I'd say the number is around 3 or 4 times. As a way to not lose track of what I'm doing any further, I started a Twitter today. I'll be posting at the end of each day what I did as far as massaging, tea drinking, and pill taking. So now when I don't feel like posting a long entry here, I'll still have a place to note down my activity.

I'm happy to say that even though I've been doing poorly as of late, my boobs are bigger. They've gotten progressively bigger ever since the last time I posted here. The change really got noticeable around two days ago. My breasts have been sore and fuller ever since then. They are much easier to push together than they normally are. Now, since I should be getting my period any day now, I'm fully convinced that PMS has something to do with this. Still, I don't know if it's my imagination, but my boobs feel bigger than they were last time I got PMS. It's perfectly possible that I am in fact imagining it since the last time was a month ago, however I can't help but feel that they're bigger than I've experienced before.

Oh yeah, I've gotten rid of my borage oil pills. I did that the day before yesterday. Just dumped the whole bag into a public trash can. I need to go shopping soon anyway. I only have enough remaining pills for like two days. I'm going to be getting the same herbs. I don't see any reason to change it up yet.

I think I should also mention that my skin has been a lot clearer lately. I'm not sure if this is related to the fact that I've been taken less herbal supplements. My skin is kind of unpredictable, so it might not be the herbs. Still, just thought it was worth nothing.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 34

I still feel slightly fuller. I'm starting to wonder if it's PMS again. It really shouldn't be PMS because I got my period on July 8th, which isn't that long ago at all. If my period stays consistent, my PMS symptoms should be starting during the first week of August. If this fullness I'm experiencing is in fact PMS, then I guess that means my period is going to start even earlier than last time, around the first or second of next month.

I've discovered two bad side effects of taking borage oil internally. One is that the smell perspires through my skin if I start sweating. Since it's summer (a very hot summer where I'm from--we're getting temperatures over 90 degrees everyday!) and I spend a lot of time outside, I still end up smelling of that horrible smell I've been trying to avoid. It's not as strong as it was when I was applying it directly to my skin, but it's still noticeable. At least to me it is, I don't know how much other people can smell it.

The other side effect is indigestion. I'm not 100% positive that the borage oil is to blame for this, but I only started getting stomachaches after I began taking it with my other herbs. I started getting really gassy, but the pangs I would get in my stomach were extremely sharp. I had to lie down on my bed and my couch on two separate occasions. I haven't used the borage oil at all during yesterday and today, and I haven't experienced that discomfort again. So I think it's pretty likely that the borage oil was the culprit.

I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do with my leftover borage oil pills now. I still have a ton of them left, because the bottle I bought contained 100 pills. I think I may have used something over 20 of them. It seems like a shame to throw them all out. I don't think I have any other option, though. I refuse to go back to massaging with it, because the social embarrassment it causes me isn't worth it. The smell clings tightly to my clothes as well, and even after washing them two or three times in a row, it still lingers. Taking it internally still gives me bad body odor and appears to be bad for my stomach. This is turning out to have been a bad purchase all around. It looks like I'm going to have to replace it with evening primrose oil or flaxseed oil.

I've been massaging only once a day for a while now, but I haven't taken any tea for the past few days. I think I've only missed my dose of herbs one time since I last updated.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 31

Well, I've been on my routine for a full month now! No growth yet, but I'm staying optimistic. My boobs have actually been feeling slightly bigger for the part two or three days. However the difference is so slight that I sometimes think I'm imagining it. Other times I feel like they look exactly the same and I convince myself that the only reason I'm occasionally thinking they look bigger is because I'm so aware that I'm on NBE. I think I have a placebo effect going on.

Anyway, I'm really bad at keeping all of this a secret. Today my mother found my bottles of herbal extracts. I had them hidden in a closet behind a whole bunch of other bottles. People hardly ever look for things in that closet and when they do, they usually don't move so many things around. Well it just so happened that my mother needed the bottle right in front of my extracts. Not recognizing them, she asked me if they were mine. I admitted that they were, but I lied and told her that they were for my teas. I said that they came together with the teas and that the instructions said that I was supposed to put a few drops into each.

She seems to have believed it, but I bet she's a little suspicious. My teas are in the kitchen and my extracts were in a closet in the bathroom. She probably thinks it's a bit weird that I placed these things so far apart. I doubt that she's automatically going to jump to the conclusion that I'm trying to make my breasts grow, because she knows nothing about NBE or the herbs I'm using. But I highly doubt she doesn't realize that something fishy is going on.

She's acting like she doesn't suspect anything though.

What I REALLY have to make sure she doesn't find are my pills. Now THAT she would not take lightly. Nor could I pin that on my "teas." She would flip out like nobody's business. I'm definitely going to have to hide those better.

Moving on to my routine, I've decided to start taking my borage oil internally, but I'm going to keep massaging with fenugreek. The day before yesterday I attempted to take the fenugreek extract by just putting some drops on my tongue, but that plan was busted right after the FIRST drop. It turns out that my extracts have alcohol in them and as soon as that one drop landed in my mouth, my tongue started stinging like crazy. I didn't even swallow it because I didn't think it would be good for me. I just washed and rinsed my mouth out with water.

The instructions on the extract bottles say that I'm supposed to put 10-15 drops in a glass of water and drink it, but I'm already drinking teas so I'm just going to keep massaging with it. I know that I could actually do what I told my mom I was doing and actually put some of the extract into my teas, but somehow I think that this would make them taste terrible so I won't.

It's not that bad anyway. Without the borage oil, the smell of my mixture isn't nearly as strong. I smell a bit syrupy, but I can fix that by wearing more "closed" shirts.

The day before yesterday I massaged with only vitamin e lotion, wild yam, and fennel and I almost couldn't smell it at all. Last night I massaged with the fenugreek and I can smell it a bit, but it's bearable.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 28

I've noticed that lately my skin has been breaking out a little bit. It's nothing drastic, but I absolutely hate having acne. Two of my relatives made comments about it today along the lines of, "Looks like your skin is acting up." So it's noticeable.

I don't know if this is a side effect from the herbs I've been taking, but I figure it's worth noting. I wouldn't be too quick to pin it on my NBE stuff, because my skin gets crappy when I go days being lazy with my maintenance of it. I haven't been washing it too thoroughly lately, and I think my diet hasn't been too good either (but right now I can't seem to recall any of the things I've eaten over the past week, which means this might not be accurate either). When I consume a lot of grease and/or sugar I tend to break out.

Anyway, one thing that people are definitely aware of is the borage oil odor. Most of the time I'm good about hiding it (usually this takes the wearing of several shirts), but sometimes I'll put myself in a position that airs out my chest and the smell will escape. Like today I bent down to write something and the person sitting in front of me said, "Ugh, did you smell that just now? It was like this really strong, sweaty smell." At this point I'm starting to get desperate. I don't want to disrupt my routine, but this is starting to get embarrassing.

I was also thinking about no longer using fenugreek extract in my massages. The fenugreek smells stronger than any of the other herbs and mixed with borage oil, it's just terrible. So to aleviate at least some of the horribleness (the borage oil is still the worst), I'm considering excluding it.

Now, I definitely don't want to throw out the bottle of fenugreek extract I have, so I think I should try taking it internally. This idea absolutely terrifies me, I'll admit. Fenugreek has a nasty smell, and fenugreek tea also has a nasty taste. So the idea of swallowing fenugreek extract is nightmare inducing. But I have to try it, because otherwise it's going to go to waste. And I really don't want to massage with it anymore.

We'll see how it all goes.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Complications of Secretly Doing NBE

Day 27

For an undisciplined and lazy person like myself, NBE is hard to do. Sure it sounds easy: take twelve pills a day, drink your tea(s), and massage at least once. But if you're used to procrastinating everything and if you're disorganized, a routine can fall apart easily. So it's tough for me to pull through on my routine, but the toughest part of it all is the fact that I have to hide everything from my family.

I hide my NBE because I know that if I didn't, all of the following things would happen:

  1. My parents would flip out if they found out I was taking a whole bunch of pills made of substances they know nothing about. In fact, if they were to stumble upon my stash of pills, they'd probably immediately think I was on drugs. Then I'd have to explain everything to them, but of course they would tell me that I have no idea what I'm talking about and that I have no business going out and buying unknown supplements without asking their permission first.
  2. They'd probably mock me for caring so much about my breast size that I'm willing to do something so dangerous (because I have no doubt that they'd think it's dangerous). Or if they didn't mock me, they'd pity me. They'd try to get to the root of my insecurity and give me a whole bunch of speeches telling me that I'm beautiful already.
  3. They might tell the story to my other relatives, which would be humiliating. Half of me thinks that my parents would know better than to blab to others about something as private as this, but my other half isn't sure.
  4. I'd feel a lot more pressure for my routine to work. If I were to let them know about all this and then none of it worked, I'd end up feeling like a fool. At least if I keep it to myself, nobody will know about any failures I have.
People around me also tend to perceive me as the type of person who doesn't care about their looks, so admitting that I was trying NBE would basically be confessing that I do care about my image. For some reason admitting that to others would make me feel really vulnerable, which I'd like to avoid.

So anyway, I've had a lot of explaining and hiding around to do lately. I have to hide my herbal extracts bottles and my pills. I've had to explain why I suddenly have bad body odor (I've blamed it on my teas, but in reality it's the massage batter rubbed all over my chest), and I've had to explain why I'm suddenly interested in drinking tea at all (I've claimed that they're really healthy and that I'm trying to be healthier in general). I had to go out on my own and buy my pills. I had to order my herbal extracts online because I couldn't find them in stores, and I had to make sure I was home when the mail arrived during the next couple of days because I didn't want my package to arrive and end up being opened by my mother.

It's all really irritating. I hope that my efforts end up being worth it.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 24.

I don't have anything new to report. I've massaged once a day for the past two days and then the two days before that I massaged twice a day. I've been drinking one tea a day still. I was supposed to ramp it up to two per day, but I just tend to forget all about them. I've been really steady with my pills, though. I've taken them three times a day ever since I increased my doses.

I can't believe I've been on NBE for 24 days already. I don't have any growth yet, and I'm trying to be patient about it. I'm just starting to worry a little bit about how I'm going to keep this up once I move into my new apartment in a couple months. I'm going to be sharing a bedroom with a roommate, so I can't just massage freely. And our bathroom is going to be windowless, so I'd have to constantly explain the terrible smell of borage oil and herbs.

I've got to say that sometimes I feel like my NBE is not going to work, because it seems like it would be too good to be true. I have this picture of myself in my head with such a pretty hourglass shaped body, and if I was to look like that in real life, I would be completely content with my appearance. I'll continue with my routine and keep hoping that it works.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 19

I think I can officially say that my boobs have gone back to their normal size. I still have some moments where I think they feel fuller, but they definitely aren't as big as they were a few days ago.

Moving on, I have some good news to report on my routine! The stainless steel soap I ordered came in the mail today, so I took the opportunity to try it out. I took a shower and immediately prepared my massage mixture. As usual, the borage oil had the strongest smell out of all the ingredients. After I was done massaging I washed my hands with soap and water; then I turned off the hot water, so that it could be as cold as possible. I took my stainless steel soap and scrubbed my hands for a few minutes (taking extra care to get ALL the spots, especially between each finger and near my nails), and I really couldn't smell the borage oil after that. There were some points later in the day when I accidentally laid my hands near my chest where I'd rubbed my lotion and the smell would get on my hands slightly, but it would go away pretty quickly. So this soap was DEFINITELY a good purchase.

Today was the first time I massaged in like a week, by the way.

Anyway, I hope my routine starts to work soon.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 18.

I got my period today. Looks like I was right about my slightly bigger boobs being a result of PMS. I actually don't know if this the first day of my period because I was "spotting" both yesterday and the day before. Today is the first day blood is coming down freely, though. And I'm getting serious cramps. So yeah, today is either the first or third day of my cycle.

My boobs are still a little bigger, but they're shrinking slightly.

Anyway, yesterday I didn't do anything for my NBE routine. I didn't massage, take any pills, or drink any tea. The reason is that I was extremely sick, and the last thing on my mind was my routine. I was also taking medication and I didn't feel like taking an extra twelve pills. I was too dead to make the effort of preparing my massage lotion or massaging at all.

I think the day before yesterday I only took my pills twice and drank my tea. I might have massaged, but I'm not sure. I'm inclined to think I didn't, though.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day Sixteen

I ramped up my doses yesterday, so these are the new numbers:

Fenugreek: 1830 mg
Fennel: 1440 mg
Saw Palmetto: 1620 mg
Wild Yam: 1500 mg

I take three pills of each herb a day, which in total comes out to 12 pills. I take one of each herb in the morning, then late afternoon, then at night.

Unfortunately I forgot to take my tea yesterday and I only massaged once. I really don't know how I'm going to solve my problem with the borage oil smell. I haven't been wearing tops that "air out" my boobs (like tank tops) ever since I started this routine, because everyone would smell the scent of the BO and fenugreek if I so much as walked by them. So I've been attempting to basically trap the smell by wearing undershirts and t-shirts.

This works pretty well as far as concealing the stuff rubbed on my chest, but I still have a problem with my HANDS. I can easily wash off the smell of the herbs, but borage oil is a complete pain in the ass, and unfortunately, it's got the worst smelling stench out of anything I'm using in my massage. Washing my hands only temporarily gets rid of the borage oil smell. Like 10-15 minutes later, the smell is back with full force. I scrub hard and with a LOT of soap. I've tried running my hands under very hot water, and the smell STILL comes back.

It's becoming a pain and a little embarrassing, because the smell of borage oil is very strong and noticeable. Yesterday both my friend and my mother commented that I've been smelling a little "odd" lately. I've looked up some tutorials online on how to get rid of bad smells from your hands and some suggest running your hands under cold water (guess I was trying to do the wrong thing before). Some people also say to try rubbing stainless steal against your skin. I've actually decided to order a stainless steel "soap" from Amazon, but in the meantime I'm going to use a spoon to try to get rid of the horrible smell from my hands.

Anyway, my boobs are still a little bigger than they normally are. They're also a little sore. I'm still waiting to see if this is just PMS, but I hope it's not!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Day Thirteen

I haven't been doing so well for the past few days. I haven't massaged for like two or three days. I've got work early in the morning, and I tend to forget that I need to wake up earlier in order to prepare my lotion, cleanse my hands thoroughly, and air out my room. Even when I do remember, I'm so tired that it takes superhuman strength to get out of bed (and why is it that when I need to wake up early my bed seems to feel extra soft and comfy?). The fact that I'm so bad about waking up with good time is the reason why my massages are so short. I usually only have three minutes before I need to rush out of my house in order to be punctual for work.

Yesterday I also didn't drink my daily tea, nor did I take my second dose of pills. That was the first time I've ever missed any dose for my herbs, and also the first time in a while that I hadn't drank at least one tea. The reason I missed my herbs and my tea is because I went to bed ridiculously early (like at 7 pm). I'd worn myself out earlier in the day, and what I'd actually been planning on doing was to take a short 30-minute nap, but I ended up sleeping for hours. By the time I woke up it was past midnight, and I just decided to screw it.

Anyway, my boobs have been bigger than usual for the past few days and they still are. I'm hoping that maybe my routine has something to do with it, but my rational side is telling me that I'm probably PMS-ing. My breasts tend to swell and feel tender during the week before I get my period. I usually get it around the 14th/15th of the month though, so it's a bit early for my boobs to be showing this symptom. I guess I'm getting my period early this month. I'm still crossing my fingers that maybe my NBE has something to do with my boobs being a bit bigger, but I think it's too early in my routine for them to be truly growing yet.

I'm planning on ramping up my doses on Day 15, after two full weeks of NBE.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Blood Hormone Test Results

Day 8.

As can be seen in my previous entries, I've had my hormones tested through blood as well as through saliva. My saliva test results came back basically saying that I'm estrogen dominant, but I decided to go to my doctor and get all my hormones checked by a professional.

I've mentioned that my blood hormone tests came back as normal, but just to be more detailed, I'll post the exact results here:

So everything was normal, except for my DHEA level. DHEA is a hormone made by the adrenal gland. My doctor thinks that the lab which tested this has a faulty method for measuring this hormone, because a lot of her patients are getting higher than normal results as well, and yet none of them have any symptoms of adrenal gland issues.

I don't know whether or not to trust her judgment on that. In my saliva hormone test (which she claims is untrustworthy) I also came out with "symptoms of adrenal gland dysfunction." Is it just a coincidence? Or is it actually true?

My doctor told me that if I was really worried about this she could prescribe me some birth control pills to take care of the problem, but I turned down the offer because she had already convinced me that I didn't have a big problem.

Apparently an overactive adrenal gland can end up producing more estrogen than needed, but since my estrogen level is normal, I'm not concerned. And besides, my result isn't THAT much higher than the expected range. There's only a 1.2 ng/mL difference. Mind you, that might be a lot in terms of that hormone, but I guess I'm choosing to believe it's not.

Oh yes, I should also mention that I took these tests on the second day of my period, so all these results were compared to expected ranges for the follicular phase.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Massages and Teas

Today is my fifth day of NBE and so far I think I've done pretty well. I've taken all my pills, and I've massaged twice a day everyday (well, except for Day 2, during which I only massaged once). I'm starting to question how effective my massages are, since they're so short. Apparently Vitamin E lotion is a bit heavy to carry my herbs into the bloodstream. On the BE boards some members recommend using extra virgin olive oil for massage, because this makes the herbs easier to absorb or something. We actually have extra virgin olive oil at my house, but it's used for cooking (obviously). Also, I'd feel funny sneaking that oil to my room. Who knows though. I might start using it later today.

Some women also recommend applying heat to the breasts after massaging, because the heat is supposed to help with absorption. A lot of them use heating pads in order to achieve this. I'm debating whether or not I should try this. There are some pretty cheap heating pads on Amazon, so money isn't a problem.

Anyway, I'm happy to say that I've drank one fennel tea for the past two days. It smells absolutely terrible (like some horrible medicine) when there's only water and fennel in it, but I managed to sweeten it with cinnamon and brown sugar. The cinnamon made it have a very pleasant aroma too. I don't know if the sweeteners make the tea less potent, but it's the only way I can make the experience enjoyable. When I drank the fenugreek tea I didn't put anything in it to make the taste better, so that's probably why my experience was so bad. I still haven't tasted the saw palmetto tea, but I plan to either today or tomorrow.

I've become determined to start drinking my three teas everyday again (yes, even the fenugreek). I just need to look up some recipes to make them tasty. Once I'm done with this batch of fenugreek tea that I have, I'll probably switch to a different herb. There's plenty of reputedly estrogenic herbs out there, so it won't be hard to find another option. The only reason I went for the fenugreek tea is because this seems to be the most popular herb for NBE.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've started my routine!

I started my routine on June 21, 2010.

Well, my herbal extracts finally got here this Monday, and I wasted no time in starting my program. I've decided to start out with pretty low dosages so that I can ramp them up later on. So far, these are the daily amounts I'm taking in pill form:

Fenugreek- 1220 mg
Fennel- 960 mg
Saw Palmetto: 1080 mg
Wild Yam: 1000 mg

I take one pill of each herb in the morning and then again at night.

Now, as for my massage, I've been doing it twice a day (morning and night as well). So far I've a very unrefined technique, and I'm really busy so the massages are very short. A lot of the women on the BE boards do special types of massages, but I haven't really looked into any of it, because personally I don't believe that it makes any difference whether I massage my boobs counterclockwise or clockwise. Right now, I massage for about two minutes each time, but I hope that I become more dedicated and do it for a little longer.

Anyway, this is what I include in each massage:

Borage oil- 1000 mg
Fennel- five drops of extract
Fenugreek- five drops of extract
Saw Palmetto- five drops of extract
Vitamin E lotion

I have no idea how many mg's each of the five drops of my herbs amounts to, but I chose to put five drops of each because on the instructions written on the back of each bottle, it says that you should put 10-15 drops into a glass of water and drink it. Now, I'm not drinking the extracts, but I figured I'd try to follow the amount they recommend and divide it among the herbs. I'll probably ramp this up later as well.

As far as my teas go, I've been doing horribly. As I've said in my previous posts, my original plan was to drink three different teas per day, but so far I've only managed to drink half a cup of one. I'm not a big fan of tea (never have been), but I've drank a few tolerable cups of tea in the past. However the herbal teas I've bought are terrible. Well, so far I've only tried the fenugreek, but the fennel and saw palmetto teas don't smell much better.

The fenugreek tea I made has a very strong smell. It smells like some kind of Indian cuisine, and I personally don't like Indian food--at least what I've tried. I especially don't like this particular scent. So it was very hard for me to drink it, because I was disgusted with the smell. It stunk up my house pretty badly which annoyed my family as well.

Another "odor" problem I've been having is with the mixture I'm using for massages. The fenugreek and the borage oil are pretty strong, and I can barely stand the smell of myself so I've been putting on some perfume to cover it up. The stench borage oil is also really hard to get rid of from my hands. I'll wash and wash, but the scent returns within minutes.

Anyway, that's all I've got to report for now.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Well, I've got almost all the supplies I need for my routine. All that's left now are my herbal extracts, which I've just ordered online.

I've bought three different teas: fenugreek, fennel, and saw palmetto. All of them are from the brand Alvita. I've bought four herbs in capsule form from the Vitamin Shoppe: fenugreek, fennel, saw palmetto, and wild yam. I also bought borage oil (from the Vitamin Shoppe) for my massage. For my extracts, I've decided to get fennel, fenugreek, and wild yam. I bought them on Amazon, and they're from a brand called the Eclectic Institute. They claim that their ingredients have "optimum potency," but I'm not expert on what herbal brands are best, so I don't know how true that is.

Anyway, I hope to start my routine as soon as my extracts get here. I'm very excited, but nervous!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Test Results

So after many annoying events that delayed my getting these results any sooner, my doctor finally saw me on Wednesday (June 2nd) and told me how they turned out. I'm ecstatic to say that everything turned out fine! :D My ultrasound showed my insides as being healthy, and my blood tests showed my hormone levels as normal. This means I can start my NBE routine now!

I am planning on doing the following:

-Buying three different herb teas (fenugreek, fennel, and hops)
-Buying those herbs in capsule form as well (although I may change it up and buy some other galactogogues).
-Buying some beremeal cereal.
-Buying some herb extracts.
-Getting vitamin E and borage oil.

Protein is apparently very important to NBE, so I might be eating some protein bars everyday. Although I have a high-protein diet already, so this might not be necessary.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I went to get the pelvic ultrasound today, and man was that a pain in the ass! I had to drink five cups of water half an hour before I got there, and I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom. When I got to the doctor's office, I had to sit in the waiting room for another half hour, and by the time I got called in, I was practically exploding from the need to pee.

As the doctor started the procedure and pressed the thing (I don't know what it's called) to my stomach, it got even worse. She was pressing me right where it hurt the most, and it almost seemed like she was trying to squeeze the pee out of me. I actually had to stop her halfway through the process to run to the bathroom across the hall. She told me to try not to relieve myself completely so that there would still be some water inside me, which I think I managed. But it was so horrible. I hate having to hold my urine. Grrrr.

Anyway, I felt a little funny getting an ultrasound done, because the only other reason I'd ever heard of women getting them done is to check on the growth of their babies when they're pregnant. I stared at the screen as the doctor moved her thingy across my stomach and my sides, feeling as though I should be seeing a tiny person moving around in the image. My friends would automatically assume I was pregnant if I told them I'd gone to the doctor to get an ultrasound. I hope I can manage to get copies of the photos at some point in the future so that I can play pranks of people.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Just for my personal knowledge: I got my period on Wednesday, April 14, 2010.

Today I went to a lab in order to get my hormone levels tested through blood. I have my period right now, so I hope this doesn't affect my results. When I went to the endocrinologist a few weeks ago, the way she was asking me what day of my cycle I'd done my saliva test on, she made it sound like menstruation was relevant to hormone testing. But today, all the physicians I asked said it made no difference.

Tomorrow I'm getting a pelvis ultrasound to see if there's anything wrong with my insides, since I expressed concern about the fact that my results showed I hadn't ovulated. The endocrinologist said that that could have been perfectly normal depending where I was in my cycle at the time, but she also said it might be the symptom of a more serious problem. Just to make sure, I'm going to get it checked out.

Friday, April 2, 2010


I went to an endocrinologist this morning, and I'm feeling a lot more relieved. The doctor told me that I shouldn't think too much of the results from my hormone test, because according to her, saliva tests aren't considered all that trustworthy by the medical community. She called it "nonsense." And even if they were trustworthy, she says that the numbers in the results don't signal anything major. She says that depending on what was going on with my cycle during that time, me not ovulating could be perfectly normal, as well as my progesterone level being lower than my estrogen level.

Nevertheless, in order for me to feel more sure about my hormone levels, she gave me an order to take blood tests to check more hormones. The list on the slip she handed to me says that I'm going to test my estradiol, progesterone, FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH, T3____ (I can't read what it says), cortisol, testosterone, DHEAS, and two others that are written too sloppily for me to read. I guess I'll have to find a lab to perform them, set up an appointment, and then wait for my results.

I'm feeling better about all this though, and I'm back to hoping that my hormones are balanced after all.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Saliva Hormone Test Results

Well, it looks like this isn't going to be as simple for me as I wanted it to be. I got the results for my hormone test yesterday, and this is how they turned out (click on image).

I'm not sure what to do for estrogen dominance. There's a topic about it over at the BE Board but I'm still a little confused.

I told my mom about my imbalance, because I don't really trust myself to fix this on my own, and I really want to start NBE with balanced hormones. I think she's going to set up an appointment with a gynecologist so that they can test me and maybe tell me a little more about my body.

I hope that this is something I can fix easily, but I know that I'm going to have to make an effort to improve my diet. I'm simply not nourishing myself properly, and it's obviously taking a toll on my body in more ways than one. I'd like to gain a little weight anyhow.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Preparation and ideas

My goal for this project of mine is to gain at least two cup sizes. My ideal would be three cup sizes, but this herbal method of enhancement is not quite that generous to most of the women who attempt it. Besides, I may end up finding that two cup sizes is enough for my frame (I'm short and skinny, so being a D-cup might not look too good on me).

Anyway, I've been researching this, and I've come up with some ideas for what I may incorporate into my routine. I haven't set anything in stone however, because I want to know what my hormone levels are. I bought myself a saliva hormone test kit a few weeks ago and mailed it out last Thursday. Now I'm waiting for my results. I'm honestly not expecting to have any sort of hormonal imbalance because I'm young, healthy, and don't really have any symptoms to suggest otherwise, but if I'm going to invest my time and money on this, I want to be as sure as I possibly can that I'm heading in the right direction.

With that said, these are the ideas I've been thinking about so far:

  • I may do a two-week liver cleanse before I start my routine, but I'm not too sure that this is necessary.
  • I'm probably going to be taking galactagogue herbs like fenugreek, fennel, and hops. I'm definitely going to take them in pill form.
  • I'll probably also be drinking teas of whatever herbs I get.
  • I'm going to be massaging, and I think I'll be mixing Vitamin E lotion with borage oil and extract from my herbs. I'll be trying to do this three times a day (but I'll probably end up doing it twice a day due to my schedule) and I'll be rotating with the herbal extract I use in each massage.
  • I might buy some barley cereal and some oats to eat.

And so far that's all I've got. I think it looks like a pretty good routine so far. It's going to be hard work, though! I'm really going to have to discipline myself and stick to this.

About This Blog and Me

If you're reading this, you probably know what the purpose of this blog is. I'm one of the many flat chested girls out there who wants to have bigger breasts. I have a pretty nice body overall, but I'd really love it if I could be curvier in my top area. I'd feel more feminine and confident about myself.

So just like people who want to lose weight and put themselves on a regimen of dieting and exercise, I'm going to put myself on a regimen of massaging and an herbal routine. I plan on dedicating myself to this natural alternative to implants for the next months, possibly even year.

I am currently 19 years old, I weigh 101 pounds, and I'm a 32A. I don't smoke or drink. I consume a lot of caffeine, but I plan on ending that while I'm on my program.

Wish me luck on this!