Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 45

Okay so today is either the 3rd or 4th day in a row that I go without doing anything for my routine. I've just gotten lazy, to be honest. Right now I'm making myself an herbal tea in an attempt to not make today completely useless.

I've also started slacking on blogging, so my memory is starting to get foggy on how many times I've massaged ever since my last entry. I honestly haven't done it that much, so I'd say the number is around 3 or 4 times. As a way to not lose track of what I'm doing any further, I started a Twitter today. I'll be posting at the end of each day what I did as far as massaging, tea drinking, and pill taking. So now when I don't feel like posting a long entry here, I'll still have a place to note down my activity.

I'm happy to say that even though I've been doing poorly as of late, my boobs are bigger. They've gotten progressively bigger ever since the last time I posted here. The change really got noticeable around two days ago. My breasts have been sore and fuller ever since then. They are much easier to push together than they normally are. Now, since I should be getting my period any day now, I'm fully convinced that PMS has something to do with this. Still, I don't know if it's my imagination, but my boobs feel bigger than they were last time I got PMS. It's perfectly possible that I am in fact imagining it since the last time was a month ago, however I can't help but feel that they're bigger than I've experienced before.

Oh yeah, I've gotten rid of my borage oil pills. I did that the day before yesterday. Just dumped the whole bag into a public trash can. I need to go shopping soon anyway. I only have enough remaining pills for like two days. I'm going to be getting the same herbs. I don't see any reason to change it up yet.

I think I should also mention that my skin has been a lot clearer lately. I'm not sure if this is related to the fact that I've been taken less herbal supplements. My skin is kind of unpredictable, so it might not be the herbs. Still, just thought it was worth nothing.

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