Saturday, July 3, 2010


Day Thirteen

I haven't been doing so well for the past few days. I haven't massaged for like two or three days. I've got work early in the morning, and I tend to forget that I need to wake up earlier in order to prepare my lotion, cleanse my hands thoroughly, and air out my room. Even when I do remember, I'm so tired that it takes superhuman strength to get out of bed (and why is it that when I need to wake up early my bed seems to feel extra soft and comfy?). The fact that I'm so bad about waking up with good time is the reason why my massages are so short. I usually only have three minutes before I need to rush out of my house in order to be punctual for work.

Yesterday I also didn't drink my daily tea, nor did I take my second dose of pills. That was the first time I've ever missed any dose for my herbs, and also the first time in a while that I hadn't drank at least one tea. The reason I missed my herbs and my tea is because I went to bed ridiculously early (like at 7 pm). I'd worn myself out earlier in the day, and what I'd actually been planning on doing was to take a short 30-minute nap, but I ended up sleeping for hours. By the time I woke up it was past midnight, and I just decided to screw it.

Anyway, my boobs have been bigger than usual for the past few days and they still are. I'm hoping that maybe my routine has something to do with it, but my rational side is telling me that I'm probably PMS-ing. My breasts tend to swell and feel tender during the week before I get my period. I usually get it around the 14th/15th of the month though, so it's a bit early for my boobs to be showing this symptom. I guess I'm getting my period early this month. I'm still crossing my fingers that maybe my NBE has something to do with my boobs being a bit bigger, but I think it's too early in my routine for them to be truly growing yet.

I'm planning on ramping up my doses on Day 15, after two full weeks of NBE.

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