Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 19

I think I can officially say that my boobs have gone back to their normal size. I still have some moments where I think they feel fuller, but they definitely aren't as big as they were a few days ago.

Moving on, I have some good news to report on my routine! The stainless steel soap I ordered came in the mail today, so I took the opportunity to try it out. I took a shower and immediately prepared my massage mixture. As usual, the borage oil had the strongest smell out of all the ingredients. After I was done massaging I washed my hands with soap and water; then I turned off the hot water, so that it could be as cold as possible. I took my stainless steel soap and scrubbed my hands for a few minutes (taking extra care to get ALL the spots, especially between each finger and near my nails), and I really couldn't smell the borage oil after that. There were some points later in the day when I accidentally laid my hands near my chest where I'd rubbed my lotion and the smell would get on my hands slightly, but it would go away pretty quickly. So this soap was DEFINITELY a good purchase.

Today was the first time I massaged in like a week, by the way.

Anyway, I hope my routine starts to work soon.

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