Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Long Time No Post


For anyone who reads this blog (I just checked my stats, and I doubt anyone does), you've probably noticed that I haven't posted in ages. The reason for this is that I got distracted by life and put my routine on hold. I originally ordered three bottles of Wonderup, and I haven't even finished my second. It's more than halfway finished, but you get the point: I quit. Now this doesn't mean that I've quit forever. My breasts are still the same size they were when I started this NBE journey. Come to think of it, at times they do seem bigger, however there's a pretty good chance that my period is causing those changes.

To be honest, I barely pay attention to my breasts anymore. I think I started liking their size at some point. Don't get me wrong--I still think it would be awesome if they were a cup or two bigger, but I'm just not as stressed out about their size as I was a few years ago. Oh man, when I was starting puberty and up until I was around 18, I was truly obsessed with my breasts and their smallness. All day I'd think about how much better my life would be if they were bigger and I'd hate going clothes shopping because all the tops I liked required a fuller bosom. I did so many stupid things. I wore bras that were too big for me, which made it look like I was actually a C-cup. Since I didn't want people to be able to tell that I was wearing a too-large bra, I'd wear multiple undershirts to fade the bra lines. This was a complete nightmare during summer months, because I could never go wear a bathing suit or tank tops. My self-esteem truly suffered and the stress was ridiculous. Now I'm comfortable with their smallness, because I realize that the rest of my body is small in general (I'm skinny and short), so I look okay with this chest.

I'm planning on starting my NBE routine again tomorrow. It will consist of taking my Wonderup tablets three times a day, as well as the other herbs, vitamins, and Evening Primrose Oil. I haven't made up my mind as to whether or not I'm going to use the Wonderup cream for massage. I lost its cap a few months ago, so I don't know if the exposure to air damaged it. And to be honest, I don't like how it smells at all.

That's all for now.