Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I did during October

Day 63

Well, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? I've been extremely busy, so I had no time for blogging during all of last month. I don't have much to say, to be quite honest. I'm now into my second bottle of Wonderup, and I still haven't grown. The only change that I can say is happening is that my breasts now get much larger when I'm PMSing than they did before I started doing NBE. During those awesome 4-5 days before I get my period, my breasts really feel heavier and fuller; they fill out my bras much better and I can push them together with way more ease than I can when I'm not PMSing. But sadly, the growth all goes down usually around the second day of my cycle.

Luckily, I've continued to keep track of my activity everyday on my Twitter. This was my activity during October:

October 1st: Took all pills, massaged once. Got my period.
October 2nd: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 3rd: Took all pills, massaged twice.
October 4th: Took all pills, massaged once. Began using a heating pad.
October 5th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 6th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 7th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 8th: Took first two doses of pills, no massage.
October 9th: Did nothing.
October 10th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 11th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 12th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 13th: Took all pills, massaged once, no heating pad.
October 14th: Took first two doses of pills, didn’t massage.
October 15th: Took first two doses of pills, didn’t massage.
October 16th: Did nothing.
October 17th: Took first dose of pills, didn’t massage.
October 18th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 19th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 20th: Unknown.
October 21st: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 22nd: Did nothing.
October 23rd: Did nothing.
October 24th: Did nothing.
October 25th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 26th: Did nothing.
October 27th: Took all pills, massaged once with heating pad.
October 28th: Took all pills, didn’t massage.
October 29th: Did nothing.
October 30th: Took all pills, didn’t massage. Got my period.
October 31st: Took all pills, massaged once, no heating pad.

As you can see, there were quite a few days when I didn't do anything, and there were even more days during which I didn't massage even if I'd taken my pills. The problem with the Wonderup massage cream is that it's very thick, so I can only massage with it for about a minute until it starts to clump and rub off my chest, which is obviously not what I'm going for. The cream is also very uncomfortable to get out of the bottle now. The bottom half of the bottle still has quite a bit of cream left, but I have to squeeze the container to try to push whatever I can to the top. It looks like this:

Those people at Wonderup should definitely think of redesigning that bottle of theirs, maybe by putting a straw and a nozzle to help with getting the lotion on the bottom of the bottle out.

One thing that could possibly be harming my routine right now is my daily intake of caffeine. Caffeine is supposedly detrimental to NBE. I don't drink so much of it to qualify as an addict, but I do like to have at least one energy drink everyday, and these types of sodas contain a lot more caffeine than coffee or Cokes. I'll try to give these drinks up, but I don't know how well it's going to work out.